With image CAPTCHAs, users are prompted to either select images matching a theme or images that don’t match. CAPTCHA images generally use graphical elements such as pictures of animals, shapes, or scenes. Image-based CAPTCHAs were developed with the goal of replacing text-based CAPTCHAs. Simard’s HIP: selects random letters and numbers, then distorts characters with arcs and colors.

Gimpy-r: selects random letters, then distorts and adds background noise to characters.EZ-Gimpy: a variation of Gimpy but only uses one word.Gimpy: chooses a random number of words from an 850-word dictionary and provides those words in a distorted fashion.This estrangement can prove to be difficult for bots that have insufficient text algorithms but at times can also be difficult for humans to guess as well. It can also involve overlapping characters with graphic elements such as background noise, lines, arcs, or dots. The estrangement can involve scaling, rotation, and distortion of characters. The text based CAPTCHA presents these characters in a way that is estranged and requires a human interpretation. Some text based CAPTCHAS can also use variations of capitalization. Traditionally, these CAPTCHAs use known words or phrases, or a random combination of digits and letters. Text based CAPTCHAs are the original way in which human verification happens. Modern CAPTCHAs fall into three main categories-text-based, image-based, and audio. CAPTCHA can also reduce online harassment.

Preventing false comments: CAPTCHA authentication can prevent bot accounts from spamming comment sections, message boards, and news feeds.

It can also be used to prevent false registration for free events. Preventing ticket inflation: Systems that sell tickets can use CAPTCHA to prevent scalpers from purchasing large amounts of tickets for resale. By restricting account creation, it prevents a waste of services and reduces opportunities for fraud. Limiting registration for services: Services can use CAPTCHA to decrease the amount of bots that create fake accounts. However, this makes the time required to cast a vote longer than normal which can deter people from voting multiple times. Maintaining poll accuracy: CAPTCHA security can prevent the skewing of polls by authenticating each user to ensure each vote is entered by a human. CAPTCHA is used by any website that wants to decrease the presence of bots on the site.